The Guidance of Faith

To counteract pride of mind we must submit ourselves with childlike docility to the teachings of faith. Certainly, it is lawful to seek that knowledge of dogma which can be acquired with patient and painstaking investigation, using the studies of the Fathers and Doctors, principally St. Augustine and St. Thomas. But, as the First Vatican Council said, it must be done with piety and sobriety, taking our inspiration from the maxim of St. Anselm: "Faith seeks understanding." We thus avoid the hypocritical spirit which, under the guise of explaining them, dilutes dogmas and reduces them to the very minimum. We have to submit our judgement not only to the truths of faith but also to pontifical directives. In questions of disputes we leave others the liberty we ourselves desire and we do not treat their opinions with contempt. Thus peace enter our minds.
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